onsdag 19 november 2008

måndag 17 november 2008

Uppdrag;verkligheten is a work in progress where our ambition is to focus on the subjective matter of reality. It requires no major effort to realize that how we choose to live becomes a visible framework shown in weekdays and festive moments in our calendars, day planners or agendas.
Every day has 24 hours, we often try to squeeze in as much as possible in these hours.

We would like to ask you to send a copy of a tight week where your time didn´t really fit your life. Photograph, scan, make a screendump or type a copy of that week.
Of couruse, it is allowed to hide names, to stay in anonymity. You can specify gender and age.
Received contributions can constitute as fundamental, personal, information or be part of a work of art. Welcome to participate in our project.
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